Academic Programs

The DMDL Methodology

Using a direct instructional approach that connects every day life to music, DMDL helps students improve perceptive listening, critical thinking and creative participation skills. 


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The DMDL tutoring initiative aids individual or small group settings based on an assessment of student needs while supporting the classroom curriculum, state, and Common Core standards. The DMDL approach to student centered learning is based upon Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligence which suggests that different brains learn in different ways. 

  • Students participate in pre and post assessments for instructional planning 
  • Ongoing assessments of skills 
  • Collaboration with administration, classroom teachers and parents 
  • Quarterly progress reports 
  • Non-traditional approach for student success  

Learning Recovery​

Research has stated that students are academically behind since the start of COVID and remote learning. All DMDL programs are designed to bring students to a desired level and beyond.  

Propel Curriculum​

Music based curriculum that connects academic proficiency to music elements, practices, and other aesthetics.


Want more information about our Academic Programs?